A very heartfelt Thank You to All-Ohio PETS; our incoming District Governors Price Finley, Michelle Charles, Frank Scott, Diana Savage and David Jones; Ohio Presidents Elect; and Rotarians for partnering with My Very Own Blanket to IMAGINE that a simple piece of material can truly have a deep & lasting effect for years to come, helping us to give gifts of LOVE to 4,966 children in foster care!
District Governors
District Blanket Totals - Final
Totals include fleece kits ordered, tags ordered (1 tag = 1 blanket) and donations/sponsorships ($10 = 1 blanket kit)
District 6600
District 6630
District 6650
District 6670
District 6690
All-Ohio Final Total
WHAT TO DO WITH YOUR FINISHED BLANKETS Our goal is todonate blankets to children in foster care in the area in which the blankets were made.When you finish your blankets, please find your local children’s services or agency at this link (DELIVERING BLANKETS) to find a location to donate near you!