January 2020: Jessica tells the story of how she began MVOB in 1999 when she was a young mother of children ages 1, 2 and 3, with a modest first annual goal of 12 blankets (family and friends created 87). Twenty years later, MVOB has grown into a ministry involving hundreds of volunteers with a goal of providing blankets for 25,000 children in foster care in 2020! Listen
Our Mission
My Very Own Blanket is dedicated to warming the heart of every child in the foster care system with a blanket which gives them a feeling of comfort, security, and most of all, a SMILE. We connect diverse people, community groups, businesses and services through this volunteer opportunity and ministry to our children in foster care. These gifts are comforting and familiar and children can take them from one home to another. Through the loving care of volunteers, thousands of blankets are donated each year to children in foster care. Each blanket is personalized with the child’s name, a tradition for “My Very Own Blanket” since 1999. See a video of the MVOB story
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