Is your company or organization hosting a blanket-making event? Would you like to use your company’s logo on our special tags? We can custom print them for you for a one-time $250 setup fee.
Blanket kits with your logo printed on the attached tags can be ordered by the members of your organization: $12 for pickup or $15 for kits to be shipped.
Since these custom kits will be shipped from our workshop rather than our warehouse, they are not eligible for free shipping. A shipping charge will be added at current rates. We ask that companies help with the shipping cost.
Donate below to start the process of creating a custom blanket tag featuring your company/organization logo. We will contact you for details.
TEXT2GIVE.Try our Text2Give option. Text blanketsforkids to 243725 for a quick link to our SECURE donation page. Fast and easy! Message and data rates may apply. SMS Terms & Conditions.