Call first! Because things can change so quickly in life, we recommend that you call the children's services or agency before making your donation, double checking that they are able to accept your beautiful donation of blankets.
CALGARY Calgary and District Foster Parents Association (CFPA) 140-4820 Richard Road SW Calgary, AB, Canada 587-581-5493
McMan Youth, Family and Community Services Association of Calgary & Area 6208 Rundlehorn Dr NE Calgary, AB, Canada 403-508-7742
Trellis: Family & Youth Support Services in Calgary 938 15 Ave SW Calgary, AB, Canada 403-543-9651
Wood's Homes 805 37 St. NW Calgary, AB, Canada 403-270-1724
EDMONTON ABC Head Start Society Jerry Forbes Centre 12122 68 St NW Edmonton, AB T5B 1R1 780-461-5353
Aboriginal Head Start - Red Deer #204 - 13245 - 146 St NW Edmonton, Alberta T5L4S8 780-640-9799 [email protected]
Catholic Social Services, Edmonton 10320 146 Street Edmonton, AB Phone: (780) 471-1122
Crossroads Family Services Family Solutions Group Suite 302, 1207 91 St SW Edmonton, AB, Canada T6X 1E9 780.430.7752 Contact: Krista Ryan [email protected]
Zebra Child Protection Centre 7th Floor, 10909 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 3L9 780-421-2385 [email protected]
GRAND PRAIRIE Grande Prairie Friendship Centre 10507 98 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4L1, Canada 780-532-5722
ST. ALBERT St. Albert Family Resource Centre Suite 10A, 215 Carnegie Dr St. Albert, Alberta T8N 5B1 Phone: 780-459-7377 [email protected] BRITISH COLUMBIA
CRANBROOK Sue Sarabun Cranbrook, British Columbia [email protected] “Supporting Children and Youth throughout the East Kootenays"
VANCOUVER The Belonging Network Support for Families and Youth Assoc. 408-602 West Hastings Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1P2 604-320-7330
ST. JOHN'S Department of Children, Seniors & Social Development P.O. Box 8700 St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 709-729-4404
HAMILTON Hamilton Child and Family Supports Hamilton, Ontario 905-522-1121
NORTH BAY Children’s Aid Society of Nipissing & Parry Sound 433 McIntyre Street West North Bay, Ontario P1B 2Z3 705-472-0910
OSHAWA Durham Children’s Aid Society 1320 Airport Blvd. Oshawa, Ontario L1J 0C6 905-433-1551
SUDBURY Children’s Aid Society of Districts of Sudbury & Manitoulin 303 York Street Sudbury, Ontario P3E 2A5 705-566-3113
TORONTO Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto 2206 Eglinton Ave E Toronto, Ontario ON M1L 4S7 416-395-1500
Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada 25 Spadina Road Toronto, Ontario M5R 2S9 416-923-0924
Children’s Aid Society of Toronto 30 Isabella Street Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1N1 416-924-4640
WINDSOR Windsor Essex Children’s Aid Society 1671 Riverside Dr. E. Windsor, Ontario N8Y 5B5 519-252-1171
Call first! Because things can change so quickly in life, we recommend that you call the children's services or agency before making your donation, double checking that they are able to accept your beautiful donation of blankets.